I have created a google cloud endpoint api which takes one record at a time as a JSON. Following is the insertMethod
@ApiMethod(name = "insertRecord")
public Record insertRecord(Record record) {
PersistenceManager mgr = getPersistenceManager();
try {
if(record.getSyncTime() == null)
record.setSyncTime(new Date());
} finally {
return error;
If we post a JSON in below format, it would add the record in data store.
ipAddress: "123.456.789.098",
user: "buddha",
message: "testing a single record adding"
I'm curious to know How I can write the method that would take multiple records in a single JSON request?
I tried changing method to take a List but I got an error saying that I should not pass Array or List.
After some trial and errors, I have solved the problem by following below Approach.
I have created another Class that contains a List of Records as below.
public class RecordList {
List<Record> records;
public List<Record> getRecords() {
return records;
public void setRecords(List<Record> records) {
this.records= records;
I have created another API method that takes this this new object as a parameter
@ApiMethod(name = "insertRecordList")
public RecordList insertRecordList(RecordList records) {
PersistenceManager mgr = getPersistenceManager();
try {
for(Record record : records.getRecords()){
if(record.getSyncTime() == null)
record.setSyncTime(new Date());
} finally {
return records;
With this, I'm able to pass JSON request as below to insert multiple items at once...
"host": "testlist",
"ipAddress": "sadf",
"message": "testlist"
"host": "h",
"ipAddress": "1",
"message": "another"