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Color resemblance for motion detection

Given 2 consecutive frames, how can I search for pixels that changed? I tried the following:

        if (old != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < b.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < b.Height; j++)
                    if (!b.GetPixel(i, j).Equals(old.GetPixel(i, j)))
                        s.SetPixel(i, j, b.GetPixel(i, j));
                        s.SetPixel(i, j, Color.White);

Where "old" is the previous frame and "s" is the new frame. The code basically paints the pixels that didn't change in white. But since the webcam produces a very low quality frame almost all of the pixels change. How can I eliminate the pixels that didn't change "greatly"?


  • A very basic approach is to convert your Color pixel to an 0 - 255 based grey value. So you can compare your pixels as an integer and make some delta error difference.

    Consider this method which convert a color to a integer grayscale value

    private static int GreyScaleRange(Color originalColor) 
      return (int)((originalColor.R * .3) + (originalColor.G * .59)
                 + (originalColor.B * .11));

    So instead of doing equal function, you should do

     int deltadifference = 5 ;
     if (Math.abs((GreyScaleRange(b.GetPixel(i, j)) - (GreyScaleRange(old.GetPixel(i, j)) > deltadifference)
          s.SetPixel(i, j, b.GetPixel(i, j));
          s.SetPixel(i, j, Color.White);