I realize this might be a long shot, but does anyone have an example of using the EI-1050 probe with a Labjack controller in something C-related? I'm currently using a Labjack U12 if it matters.
It installed 2 examples, ljsht and ljsht-multi, that seem to be doing something related to it, but I can't find the source code.
Thank you for your time.
The applications you mentioned are written in LabVIEW, and the source code is available. Use LJSHT.exe to make sure your EI-1050 is connected right and giving good readings.
Refer to the EI-1050 datasheet for information about interfacing with the U12.
Then start with a basic C example like "VC6 Simple Example" or "U12 Dev-C++ Example":
... and add a call to the function SHT1X() described in Section 4.31 of the U12 User's Guide.