I'm having trouble getting the output from the following json
{theLevel:1,displayName: "John Doe1", index:1, parIndex:null },
{theLevel:1,displayName: "John Doe2", index:2, parIndex:null },
{theLevel:2,displayName: "John Doe3", index:3, parIndex:1 },
{theLevel:2,displayName: "John Doe4", index:4, parIndex:1 },
{theLevel:3,displayName: "John Doe5", index:5, parIndex:2 },
{theLevel:3,displayName: "John Doe6", index:6, parIndex:2 },
My expected output is as follows:
{text:"John Doe1", items:[{text:"John Doe3"},{text:"John Doe4"} ]},
{text: "John Doe2, items:[{text:"John Doe5"},{text:"John Doe6"}]} ]
Here's one solution which does a few iterations of the whole data to produce a tree. Some of these iterations can be combined to improve performance but here I've left them as they are so that it's clearer what's going on:
Add a children property to each person
_.each(data, function(person){
_.extend(person, {children: []});
Create a hash of the data with the index of the person as the key and the person as the value
var people = _.reduce(data, function(memo, person){
memo[person.index] = person
return memo;
}, {} );
The people object will look like so:
1: {theLevel:1,displayName: "John Doe1", index:1, parIndex:null },
2: {theLevel:1,displayName: "John Doe2", index:2, parIndex:null },
3: {theLevel:2,displayName: "John Doe3", index:3, parIndex:1 }
Add each child to the children of it's parent:
_.each(data, function(person){
if( !_.isNull(person.parIndex)) people[person.parIndex].children.push(person);
This will leave you with a tree.
You can then transform this tree into whatever you like. This snippet will produce the output in the question:
function isParent (person) {
return !_.isEmpty(person.children);
var parents = _.filter(people, isParent);
var result = _.map(parents, function(person){
return {
text: person.displayName,
items: _.map(person.children, function(child){
return { text: child.displayName };