I am having hard time trying to port some Java code to C# for my simple project. The Java code makes use of format.isBigEndian and checks if the audio file data is signed or not. My C# project makes use of NAudio for handling audio files.
Here is the Java code
public void LoadAudioStream(AudioInputStream inputStream) {
AudioFormat format = inputStream.getFormat();
sampleRate = (int) format.getSampleRate();
bigEndian = format.isBigEndian();
AudioFormat.Encoding encoding = format.getEncoding();
if (encoding.equals(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED))
dataIsSigned = true;
else if (encoding.equals(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_UNSIGNED))
dataIsSigned = false;
and the C# code that I am working with..
public void LoadAudioStream(WaveFileReader reader)
var format = reader.WaveFormat;
sampleRate = format.SampleRate;
//bigEndian = ??
var encoding = format.Encoding;
if (encoding.Equals( /*????*/))
dataIsSigned = true;
else if (encoding.Equals( /*?????*/))
dataIsSigned = false;
How can I check if the Audio file data is big-endian or not? and lastly is there a way to check if the AudioFormat is PCM signed or unsigned?
PCM WAV files use little endian. The most common bit depth is 16 bit, and this will be signed (ie short or Int16 in C#).