I working on a simple game in assembly and for the moment I'm just trying to move the player icon (in this case it is a char X) left or right depending on whether the number 1 or 2 is hit on the keyboard. Currently I just have two if thens to move my X left or right by either decrementing or incrementing the X coordinate value. I'm using the Irvine 32 library for procs like Gotoxy to get the coordinate values. As of now my program displays the x in the right starting position but for some reason when I hit 1 or 2 the x moves up one space instead of left or right. I can't figure it out in the book I have and the things I find on the internet are not in my range of knowledge of assembly. As it stands I just want to move my char left or right. Later I will make the appropriate procs and such but for now it's a very weird problem. Any help would be appreciated. Below is my assembly code:
TITLE Matrix Rain
; Description:Dodge falling numbers to reach the final level
; Authors: John , Killian
; Revision date:2/11/2015
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
player byte 'X'; Player Character
direction byte ?; Direction the player moves
startY byte 24; Starting Y position
startX byte 39; Starting X position
breakLoop byte 9 ; base case to break
right byte 2; moves player right
left byte 1; moves player left
main PROC
;Player Starting Point
mov dh , startY; column 24
mov dl,startX ; row 39
call Gotoxy; places cursor in the middle of the bottom part of the console window
mov al, player; Copies player character to the AL register to be printed
call WriteChar; Prints player to screen console
call Crlf
;Player Starting point
XOR al,al; Zeroes al out
call ReadKey;Reads keyboard
mov eax, 3000
call delay
_if1: cmp al , left
je THEN1
jmp ENDIF1
inc startX
mov dl, startX
call Gotoxy
call Clrscr
mov al, player
call WriteChar
XOR al,al
_if2: cmp al , right
je THEN2
jmp ENDIF2
dec startX
mov dl,startX
call Gotoxy
call Clrscr
mov al, player
call WriteChar
XOR al,al
main ENDP
END main
There are some issues with your code:
1) Numbers are not characters
right byte 2; moves player right
left byte 1; moves player left
and left
hold now the pure numbers 1 and 2. However, ReadKey
returns in AL
the ASCII code of the pressed key. You can look in a reference for the code for the keys 1 and 2 or you can write:
right byte '2'; moves player right
left byte '1'; moves player left
2) Registers are not suitable to hold values permanently
Although you initialize DH
it will be changed when you reach the call Gotoxy
. Insert a mov dh, startY
just before calling Gotoxy
inc startX
mov dl, startX
mov dh, startY
call Gotoxy
Next issue:
call ReadKey ; Reads keyboard
mov eax, 3000
call delay
returns the ASCII code of the pressed key in AL
, but mov eax, 3000
will destroy this result (AL
is a part of EAX
). RTFM and change the block to:
mov eax,50 ; sleep, to allow OS to time slice
call Delay ; (otherwise, some key presses are lost)
call ReadKey ; look for keyboard input
jz LookForKey ; no key pressed yet
3) Clrscr
changes the current cursor position
A call to Clrscr
destroys the effect of Gotoxy
. Remove the calls to that function after Gotoxy
, better remove all calls in the development phase.
I suggest to implement the loop right now:
cmp al, '3'
jne LookForKey
This will exit the program when '3' is pressed and repeat the loop otherwise.