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sigc::mem_fun and pass params from a class method

In gtkmm I can use something like this in the constructor:

// Gtk::ImageMenuItem *iQuit;
iQuit->signal_activate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &FormUI::on_quit_activated) );

But I'd like to use a method to set item's properties, for example:

void FormUI::SetItemProps (Gtk::ImageMenuItem *i, const Glib::ustring& _l, ?what should I put here?)
i->set_use_stock (true);
i->set_label (_l);
i->signal_activate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, ???) ); <-- what to pass there

so I can use something like this in the constructor:

SetItemProps (iQuit, "gtk-quit", &FormUI::on_quit_activated);

Any ideas please?


  • You may like in this using typedef:

    typedef void (FormUI::*function_ptr)();
    void FormUI::SetItemProps (Gtk::ImageMenuItem *i, const Glib::ustring& _l, function_ptr fun)
        i->set_use_stock (true);
        i->set_label (_l);
        i->signal_activate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, fun) );

    And the method on_quit_activated() has to be as declared type.

    To call, use

    SetItemProps (iQuit, "gtk-quit", &FormUI::on_quit_activated);