I am doing a leapmotion webapp on PHP and javascript.it is based on gesture recognition. The values of the leapmotion must be stored into the database and when the corresponding gesture is matched the description of the gesture must be displayed. The values from the leapmotion is converted to JSON format. How can I store the JSON data to the mysql database 5.0.? The JSON file content is:
The error which i get is Syntax error. The work is based on Rob O'leary's leaptrainer.js which can be found on https://github.com/roboleary/LeapTrainer.js/tree/master.
In your situation I'd prefer to do next:
Create separate table for these data. Keys are dependable from your purposes, but as quick solution just create table with the same columns names as in your JSON.
Create some model, to communicate with DB. Make there some methods(like saveMotion, getMotion etc.)
In your php code, use json_decode
function, to convert JSON to std
object. Not sure here if you will be able to write std class to db,
but conversion it to array would give you a 100% possibility to do