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How to delete ZIP archive after decompressing with Commons Compress in Java?

I've written a program that decompresses a ZIP archive, then recursively decompresses or extracts archives found in it. The archives within the ZIP may be tar or ZIP archives and I can extract them just fine.

After extracting the inner archives within some new directory, I want to delete them. This works just fine for tar archives, but for some reason it will not work for ZIP archives. I've closed all streams, and should deletion fail I use deleteOnExit as a fail-safe, but that doesn't work either.

    try (ArchiveInputStream ais =
           new BufferedInputStream(
             new FileInputStream(archive)))) {

        ArchiveEntry ae;
        while ((ae = ais.getNextEntry()) != null) {
            if (ae.isDirectory()) {
                File dir = new File(archive.getParentFile(), ae.getName());

            File f = new File(archive.getParentFile(), ae.getName());
            File parent = f.getParentFile();
            try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(f)) {
                IOUtils.copy(ais, os);
            } catch (IOException innerIoe) {

        if (!archive.delete()) {
            System.out.printf("Could not remove archive %s%n",
    } catch (IOException ioe) {

There should be no open streams, unless closing the ArchiveInputStream doesn't actually close the stream. But again this works for tar archives.

I read somewhere that one can manage to delete ZIP archives calling listFiles() on the parent file and locating the ZIP archive and deleting it, but this sounds like a weird convoluted process. There must be some simpler way.


The problem is specific to Windows. On Linux (SliTaz 4 and Red Hat Enterprise 5) this works perfectly fine. This tells me that Windows is somehow locking the ZIP archives, which seems a bit strange.


  • Unfortunately it is quite common that files belonging to streams you have closed just now cannot be deleted on Windows. Sometimes you need to wait a little and sometimes even that is not enough and you need a garbage collection cycle.

    For example this has lead to Ant's FileUtils#tryHardToDelete - and even that is known to sometimes leave files dangling, in which case File#deleteOnExec is your best bet.