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Query a Hibernate many-to-many association

In Hibernate HQL, how would you query through a many-to-many association. If I have a Company with multiple ProductLines and other companies can offer these same product lines, I have a Company entity, a ProductLine entity and an association table CompanyProductLine. In SQL, I can get what I need like this:

select * from company c where c.companyId in (select companyId from companyProductLine cpl, productline pl where cpl.productLineId = pl.productLineId and 'some value');

My problem sees to lie with the association I defined in the Company.hbm.xml file:

<set name="productLines" 
   <key column="companyId"/>
   <many-to-many class="" column="productLineId" />

Any HQL I seem to come up with will throw a: 'expecting 'elements' or 'indices"' Hibernate exception.

Thoughts on what the proper HQL would be?


  • Your hql query should look like this:

    from Company c join c.productLines pl where = :name

    And mapping like this:

        <class name=com.example.ProductLine" table="productLine">
            <cache usage="read-write"/>
            <id name="id" column="id" type="long">
                <generator class="native"/>
            <property name="name" column="name"/>
        <class name="com.example.Company" table="company">
            <cache usage="read-write" />
            <id name="id" column="id" type="long">
                <generator class="native" />
            <set name="productLines" table="companyProductLine" lazy="false">
                <key column="companyId" />
                <many-to-many class="com.example.ProductLine" column="productLineId" />