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Changing text in several table cells with external javascript

I have a calender type deal that I am trying to create and I am hung up on selecting and changing several <td> elements in one go. I plan on using a for loop to accomplish this by traversing each node and modifying its text each iteration, but I am confused on how to actually access the text. If I have, in my external:

var daysInWeek = document.getElementsByTagName("td");

And in HTML:

<tr><td id="w1_mo">w1d1</td>
                        <td id="w1_tu">w1d2</td>
                        <td id="w1_we">w1d3</td>
                        <td id="w1_th">w1d4</td>
                        <td id="w1_fr">w1d5</td>
                        <td id="w1_sa">w1d6</td>
                        <td id="w1_su">w1d7</td></tr>

Five of them

How do I go about accessing the node next to the previous and changing its text? It would appear that the dot operator does not give me the same options as .getElementById() does. I understand there is also .item(index: int) as well but it would appear I get the same options as elements by tag name. Suggestions for a noob Javascripter?


  • getElementsByTagName gives you a NodeList with matching elements in it. You access the elements using either A) brackets notation: [n] where n is 0 <= n < list.length, or B) Using .item(n) (same range for n).

    So for instance, this accesses the first td in the document:

    var daysInWeek = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
    var firstTdInDocument = daysInWeek[0];

    That's an HTMLElement object. To access its contents, you use:

    • ...its childNodes property to access all of its direct child nodes. childNodes is a NodeList containing Text and Element nodes (and possibly Commentnodes)

    • ...its children property if you want a subset of childNodes that only includes Element instances

    • ...its textContent (standard) or innerText (IE-specific) property to access its contents as straight text (markup is stripped out)

    • ...its innerHTML property to access its contents as HTML

    • ...its nextSibling or nextElementSibling properties if you want to access the Node (nextSibling) or Element (nextElementSibling) that follows it in the tree (in the case of td elements, that's usually another td element or null)

    • ...its previousSibling or previousElementSibling to go the other way

    So for instance, to set the HTML of the first td in the document:

    document.getElementsByTagName("td")[0].innerHTML = "I'm the first <code>td</code> element";

    Note that you're not limited to crude things like getElementsByTagName anymore; you can use querySelector and querySelectorAll to get the first matching element or a list of matching elements, respectively, for any arbitrary CSS expression. This is supported on document and also on Element instances on all modern browsers, and also IE8+.

    So for instance, another way to update the text of the first td in the document is:

    document.querySelector("td").innerHTML = "I'm the first <code>td</code> element";


    document.querySelectorAll("td")[0].innerHTML = "I'm the first <code>td</code> element";

    More in the DOM specs and on MDN.