public class Menu implements Serializable{
@OneToMany(mappedBy="menu", fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
private Set<VoceMenu> voceMenuList;
public Set<VoceMenu> getVoceMenuList() {
return voceMenuList;
public void setVoceMenuList(Set<VoceMenu> voceMenuList) {
this.voceMenuList = voceMenuList;
I print a form to edit the menu, and its relative VoceMenu objects, this way:
<form:form action="editMenu" method="post" commandName="menu">
Menu id<form:input path="id" maxlength="11"/><br/>
<c:forEach items="${menu.voceMenuList}" varStatus="counter">
<form:input path="voceMenuList[${counter.index}].id" maxlength="11"/>
<input type="submit">
But, when I try to save the object Menu, I get this error:
Invalid property 'voceMenuList[0]' of bean class [com.springgestioneerrori.model.Menu]: Cannot get element with index 0 from Set of size 0, accessed using property path 'voceMenuList[0]'
The elements of a Set cannot be accessed by index. You will need to add methods which return a List wrapping your set.
public class Menu implements Serializable{
@OneToMany(mappedBy="menu", fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
private Set<VoceMenu> voceMenus;
public Set<VoceMenu> getVoceMenus() {
return voceMenus;
public void setVoceMenus(Set<VoceMenu> voceMenus) {
this.voceMenus = voceMenus;
//bind to this
public List<VoceMenu> getVoceMenusAsList(){
return new ArrayList<VoceMenu>(voceMenus);
<form:form action="editMenu" method="post" commandName="menu">
Menu id<form:input path="id" maxlength="11"/><br/>
<c:forEach items="${menu.voceMenusAsList}" varStatus="counter">
<form:input path="voceMenusAsList[${counter.index}].id" maxlength="11"/>
<input type="submit">