I have a code where I am attempting to attach a CSV saved in Drive (automatically replaced) to an email. At the moment, I can get it to add using fileBlob - DriveApp.getFileById(...).getBlob() but, it's attaching as a PDF.
Per Mogsdad's answer on this question there is a way to attach a CSV, but looking through the documentation I can't seem to find anything that will allow using a CSV. In fact, according to the documentation for getAS() it literally says: "For most blobs, 'application/pdf' is the only valid option. For images in BMP, GIF, JPEG, or PNG format, any of 'image/bmp', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', or 'image/png' are also valid."
Does this mean in is impossible to attach a CSV (or, really, anything other than PDF) from Drive to an email using Apps Scripts?
Assuming the CSV file is in your Drive, you can use this snippet to attach it to an email.
function sendCSV() {
var blob = DriveApp.getFileById(FILE_ID).getBlob();
MailApp.sendEmail("email@example.com", "Subject", "CSV", {attachments:[blob]});