I want a select box where I can choose from a list with a min/max number.
Currently my number is just 1 to 10 so I have the below.
<body ng-app="demoApp">
<div ng-controller="DemoController">
<select ng-model="selectedItem"
ng-options="opt as opt for opt in options">
The value selected is {{ selectedItem }}.
angular.module('demoApp', []).controller('DemoController', function($scope) {
$scope.options = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
$scope.selectedItem = $scope.options[1];
What is the best approach here? For example if I wanted to choose from numbers between 1 and 100 I wouldn't want to list each number just the lowest and highest. With vanilla JS I was thinking something like the below but looking for a more angular approach here so I can easily use ng-model to update my data.
var selectList = '<select>';
for (var x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
selectList += "<option value="+ x +">" + x + "</option>";
selectList += '</select>';
angular.module('demoApp', []).controller('DemoController', function($scope) {
$scope.options = [];
//Fill array with incremental numbers
while ($scope.options.length < 100){
$scope.options.push($scope.options.length + 1);
$scope.selectedItem = $scope.options[1];