Ok I have read the docs on Slim PHP and read quite a few tutorials, and have an application nicely under way. However I am trying to get to grips with things such as customizing the HTTP response codes. I have managed to get the following :
$app->notfound('template.file', array(
'data' => 'passed'
This seems to work nicely (as it should as it is a Method directly within Slim), however not I am trying to control things such as the 403
response. I have controlled the not permitted using Apache as I usually would do, however I am wondering if there is a way with Slim that I can serve a custom Not Permitted page? Or because I have blocked it at the Apache level, will Slim not even notice?
I did read that I can manually halt certain routes? Is this the way I should do it? For example, I don't want people to access my JS directory so :
$app->group('/js', function () use($app) {
$app->get('/', functin () use($app) {
$app->halt(403, "You shall not pass!");
My reason for grouping this would be because I want access to my actual scripts, just not directory browsing.
Has anybody come across this before? What would you suggest? Or am I totally over thinking something simple....
You could simply redirect user to another route where you print your custom template. Example:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new \Slim\Slim();
$app->group('/js', function () use($app) {
$app->get('/', function () use($app) {
$app->flash('httpStatusCode', '403');
$app->get('/notAuthorized', function () use($app) {
echo 'You\'re here because you\'re Balrog!';
echo 'Http Status Code: ' . $_SESSION['slim.flash']['httpStatusCode'];