I have some eclipse plugins using old Dali JPT code( org.eclipse.jpt.core_2.2.1) running fine in eclipse 3.5 but I need to migrate them in eclipse 4.4. I can see there were significant changes in Dali JPT plugins, for example old org.eclipse.jpt.core.JptCorePlugin is completely removed. For example if I want to use some of its static methods like JptCorePlugin.getJpaFile(..) how shall I do it in the new version( org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.core_3.4.0 ). I have no previous experience using it so any info,hints or directions will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Much of the JptCorePlugin behavior was moved to the appropriate model objects, namely JpaPlatform and JpaProject. You can find documentation on these changes here:
and additional information on how to use these object here:
Instead of using the static methods on JptCorePlugin, you would instead do something like:
IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject("Foo Project");
JpaProject jpaProject = (JpaProject) project.getAdapter(JpaProject.class);