I am trying to highlight a searched word using QRegExp.
This is the code.
QString text = "A <i>bon mot</i>.";
text.replace(QRegExp("<i>([^<]*)</i>"), "<b>\\1</b>");
//Output: "A <b>bon mot</b>."
The above code is working, but the below code is not working.
QString text1 = "This is a sample text.";
text1.replace(QRegExp("s"), "<b>\\1</b>");
//Output: "Thi<b>\1</b> i<b>\1</b> a <b>\1</b>ample text."
In regular expressions, \1
corresponds to the first matched group. Groups are parts of the regular expression in parentheses. For example matching the string "hello world" against regexp (hello)([.*])
will have \1
corresponding to "hello" and \2
to " world".
In your second snippet,
text1.replace(QRegExp("s"), "<b>\\1</b>");
you do not use parentheses, so there is no group \1
would refer to.
text1.replace(QRegExp("(s)"), "<b>\\1</b>");