When I am catching an exception that I have thrown, what is the proper logging of that exception? I know the user can see the "error log" view in eclipse.
Here are a couple different ways that I can log... Not sure which is the best and what exactly the user will see when I log it this way.
Activator.getDefault().log(e.getMessage(), e);
In each catch clause,
I can log the information with the Activator that is associated with
the plug-ins ID. Are there betters way to log the error in eclipse?
Printing the stack trace will not go in the error log, it will just be lost (except when running from within Eclipse or with a console).
The Activator
based logging is the usual way to log. The code logging provided by the Plugin
or AbstractUIPlugin
class is:
ILog log = Activator.getDefault().getLog();
log.log(new Status(....));
has a number of different constructors depending on exactly what you want to log. For example:
new Status(IStatus.ERROR, ID, errorNumber, message, exception);
new Status(IStatus.ERROR, message, exception);
is the class defined as the plug-in activator in the Bundle-Activator
in the plug-in's MANIFEST.MF.
If the plug-in does not have an activator you can get get the ILog
ILog log = Platform.getLog(getClass());
ILog log = Platform.getLog(bundle);
where bundle
is the Bundle
for the plug-in.