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Stop background scrolling after player death animation has finished

Hi I am creating an 2D endless runner. The background has 2 animations - Scroll and stopScroll When the character collides and dies I want to do the following

  1. enable death animation - this is happening
  2. stop the timer - if I do so, all animations stop
  3. stop the background scrolling - this is happening although it happens before the death animation finishes and it jumps back to the fist frame. I want the background to stop relative to the where the character died.
  4. Destroy the character - this is happening but before the animations are completed. I think I need to use Coroutine but dont know how?

Please Help!

Here is my updated code as suggested

void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other)
    if ( == "Obstacle(Clone)")
        StartCoroutine (DoMyThings(other.gameObject, this.gameObject, false));

IEnumerator DoMyThings(GameObject obstacle, GameObject player, bool ninjaObjBool)
    ninjaObj = ninjaObjBool;
    Destroy (obstacle);
    animator.SetBool("dead", true);
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.2f);
    Destroy (player);
    //timerIsStopped = true;
    yield break;

Background Animation I have duplicated a bg sprite and aligned them side by side. The RHS sprite is a child of LHS sprite in the hierarchy. Then I click on the LHS bg sprite -> windows->Animation. Use add curve to transform the bg on the X axis to get it moving infinitely.


  • First of all, it is not a good practice to find gameobject in Update(). Creating an instance of it might be expected. You can do this like-

    private Ninja ninjaClass;
    void Awake(){ //You can do it in Start() too if there is no problem it causes
        ninjaClass = GameObject.Find("Ninja").GetComponent<Ninja>();
    //Now in Update(),
    void Update(){
            animator.SetBool("stopScroll", true);

    Now, OnCollisionEnter2D(), you are setting the Time.timeScale = 0 which will stop every gameobject in the scene that is time dependent (it is good for pausing game). There are many ways to execute the happenings ( It will be better if you provide codes to show how you are animating and using the timer. But as you mentioned coroutine, i'll show you an example-

    float timer = 0.0f;
    float bool timeIsStopped = false;
    void Update(){
        if(!timeIsStopped){timer += Time.deltaTime;}
    void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other){
        if ( == "Obstacle(Clone)")
            StartCoroutine(DoMyThings(other.gameObject, this.gameObject, false));
    IEnumerator DoMyThings(GameObject obstacle, GameObject player, bool ninjaObjBool){
        ninjaObj = ninjaObjBool;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);
        animator.SetBool("dead", true);
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.5f);
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(2.0f);
        timeIsStopped = true;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
        yield break;

    Hope it will help you to get the idea how to implement your codes.