There is a search input and a complex drop-down div under it. The script shows the div when focus is on the input.
It works fine everywhere except in Opera. In Opera when I focus the input, nothing happens. But, if I click on another desktop application, like checking my mail, and then go back to the website, the drop-down on the website suddenly shows.
What is a way to fix this?
function checkSf() {
if ($('#search-field').val() != "" || $('#search-field').is(":focus")){
$('#search-field').on('focus', function(){
Actualy i found an answer. This bug is the same as in safari and chrome. To fix this i've added a zero timeout.
Strangely it worked.
function checkSf() {
if ($('#search-field').val() != "" || $('#search-field').is(":focus")){