While playing around with generative testing I came across the following:
import org.scalacheck.Properties
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
object BigDecimalSpec extends Properties("BigDecimal") {
property("apply") = forAll(Arbitrary.arbBigDecimal.arbitrary) {
x => x == BigDecimal(x.toString())
fails with:
! String.apply: Exception raised on property evaluation.
> ARG_0: 0E+2147483648
> Exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: null
Why wouldn't BigDecimal
be able to translate a decimal String
representation created by itself?
This is by definition. From BigDecimal's javadoc:
The exponent consists of the character 'e' ('\u0065') or 'E' ('\u0045') followed by one or more decimal digits. The value of the exponent must lie between -Integer.MAX_VALUE (Integer.MIN_VALUE+1) and Integer.MAX_VALUE, inclusive.
Emphasis by me, and Integer.MAX_VALUE = 2147483647.