List of Garbage Collectors:
I know that the Conc Mark Sweep GC supports cleaning up PermGen when you enable the ClassUnloading JVM option. Do other Garbage Collectors support cleaning up PermGen?
Reason: We use Spring, Hibernate, and Groovy that create a lot of Proxies and Perm Gen gets big.
Edit: Should have mentioned that I am using Java 7. I'm aware of Java 8 removing Perm Gen and hopefully will upgrade sometime in the future. In the meantime, my question is regarding if the other garbage collectors support cleaning up PermGen other than Conc Mark Sweep.
All algorithms are cleaning PermGen, but
I have been fighting OOME in PermGen quite a lot when I was actively used ClassLoaders to simulate multiple JVM in single process for test purposes. My conclusion: PermGen GC is just not very reliable. One run it works as expected, other it throws OOEM.