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Show Action via iron:router, template isn't passed data from a collection.findOne method

I can't get a the 'show' page of an instance of a model to display its data.

Here's the template that won't show its data:

<template name="priority">
  <h1>Priority: {{title}}</h1>

It's very simple in and of itself, yet I can't get title to display. Iron:router does the job of directing us to this page with the following code:

Router.route('/priority/:_id', function(){
  var priority = this.params._id; 
  this.render('priority', {
    data: function(priority){'showPriority', priority, function(error){
        if (error) {
          console.log("An error has occured: " + error); 
},  {
  name: ''

The Meteor.method is very simple, it just queries for the variable priority:

'showPriority': function(priority) { 
    return Priorities.findOne({_id: priority});

The view which carries the href is here:

<template name="priorityList">
  <ul class="table-view">
    {{#each this}}
    <li class="table-view-cell">
      <a href="{{pathFor route=""}}"><span class="pull-right icon icon-edit"></span></a>

Note that this view shows a list of all priorities. When I inspect the href, all the paths are being dynamically generated with an _id:

<a href="/priority/yYihyZmZ2xkAso7i5">...

Oh, and I should mention, that I also tried to use the waitOn method, since I thought I might be loading the template before the data, but that didn't help either...

  waitOn: function(){
    return Meteor.subscribe('priorities');

So much code, just to show what's going on!

What's the deal here? Why won't my "show" template give me any data?


  • Change you route to this. () {
      this.route('priority', {
        path: '/priority/:_id',
        waitOn: function(){
            return Meteor.subscribe('priorities',this.params._id);
        data: function(){
             return Priorities.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
            this.render('loading') //if data not ready we render some loading template

    You don't need to make a, for the find(); instead to everything on the data:function()

    The above is just an example so you can get the idea, but it should work since you are expecting _id:priority and _id:this.params._id its the same.

    Just be sure you have the autopublish package removed.

    and have the subscriptions/publish in order.

    Meteor.publish('Menu', function(){
              return Priorities.find();