When I try to connect to accumulo from a java client, it is failing. I am using the 'root' user but have changed the password. I debugged my code, it is in fact getting the correct user name and password, the same I one I use to log into the shell with.
I read on some other sites that I have to set 'trace.user' and 'trace.password' in my accumulo-site.xml file, so I did that and restarted accumulo. Unfortunately it did not change a thing.
When I try to connect from java, these are the important lines from the stack:
Caused by: org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException: Error BAD_CREDENTIALS for user root - Username or Password is Invalid
Caused by: ThriftSecurityException(user:root, code:BAD_CREDENTIALS)
From my accumulo console, I see this:
08 15:44:06,0544 tserver:michael-GA-890GPA-UD3H 4
ThriftSecurityException(user:root, code:BAD_CREDENTIALS)
When I look through my accumulo logs I just see the same exception and its stack getting printed every second that goes by.
I went looking through the accumulo manual and couldn't find anything that I'm missing. A google search and SO search also did not help me.
Would somebody please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Depending on the version you're using, you may also have trace.token.property.password defined in accumulo-site.xml which is the replacement for trace.password. >=1.6.0 introduced the trace.token.property.password property. If both that property and trace.password are present in the configuration, trace.token.property.password will take precedence over trace.password.
Look at the $ACCUMULO_LOG_DIR/tracer_$hostname.debug.log file, you'll likely have numerous exceptions in there.
The "proper" way (read as: how you'd want to do it in a production environment) to configure the tracer is to create the 'trace' table as 'root', create a 'trace' user, and give the 'trace' user READ, WRITE and ALTER_TABLE permissions on the 'trace' table. Then, update trace.user and trace.token.property.password in accumulo-site.xml.