How can I use regular javascript, specifically a foreach, in a kendo template?
I have:
<script id="partsTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<div class="k-grid k-widget k-secondary">
<col style="width:70px">
<col style="width:70px">
<col style="width:120px">
<col style="width:30px">
<thead class="k-grid-header">
<th role="columnheader" class="k-header"><b>Quantity</b></th>
<th role="columnheader" class="k-header"><b>Type</b></th>
<th role="columnheader" class="k-header"><b>Manufacturer</b></th>
<th role="columnheader" class="k-header"><b>Part</b></th>
<th role="columnheader" class="k-header"><img src="/laravel/public/images/icons/magnifier_zoom_in.png"></th>
#for(var i=0, i<10, i++){#
# } #
However Kendo is throwing an invalid template error.
Your for loop syntax isn't correct; you have to use semicolons:
# for (var i=0; i<10; i++) { #
# } #