I have 3 classes and I wanna return 3 lists to template which use in Form my db is MongoDB
def addCourse = Action.async {implicit request =>
val teacherCollection = db.collection[BSONCollection]("Teacher")
val courseColl = subjectCollection.find(BSONDocument()).cursor[Subject].collect[List]()
val teacherColl = teacherCollection.find(BSONDocument()).cursor[Teacher].collect[List]()
courseColl.map { course =>
val sam = teacherColl.map{teacher=>
template code :
@(subject:List[models.Subject],teacher:List[models.Teacher],myForm: Form[models.Course])
I have got an error : Type mismatch expect List[Teacher] , actual Future[List[Teacher]]
What am I gonna do?
note : if i put Ok(views...) to val sam map, compiler show an error,it's sounds like async error becouse "async" will be red
Error:(59, -1) Play 2 Compiler:
/app/controllers/School.scala:59: type mismatch;
found : Unit
required: play.api.mvc.Result
I have fixed this problem with flatMap
courseColl.flatMap { course =>
teacherColl.flatMap { teacher =>
semesterColl.map { semester =>
Ok(views.html.Course.addNewCourse(course, teacher, semester, Course.form))