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Disable automatic retry with ActiveJob, used with Sidekiq

Is there a way to disable automatic retry with ActiveJob and Sidekiq ?

I know that with Sidekiq only, we just have to put

sidekiq_options :retry => false

as mentioned here :

but it doesn't seem to work with ActiveJob and Sidekiq.

I also know the solution to entierly disable the retry as proposed here :

But it's not the behavior I need.


  • Ok thanks for the answer.

    Just for information, I also asked the question in an issue related to this subject on ActiveJob Github repository :

    DHH answered me a solution I haven't tested but that can do the job.

    Personnally, I finally put this in an initializer in order to disable Sidekiq retries globally and it works well :

    Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
       config.server_middleware do |chain|
          chain.add Sidekiq::Middleware::Server::RetryJobs, :max_retries => 0