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Tie for tic tac toe?

Same tic tac toe game from earlier for my school, I forgot to figure in if the game is a draw... not sure how to to tell players it is a tie. Need help coding how to tell player if game is a tie. here is my code:


        height: 60px;
        font-size: 30pt;
        font-weight: bold;
        font-family: Verdana;

            function startGame()
                    for (var i = 1; i<= 9; i = i + 1)

                document.turn = "X";
                if (Math.random()< 0.5)
                    document.turn = "O";
                document.winner = null;
                setMessage(document.turn + " gets to start.");

            function setMessage(msg)
            document.getElementById("message").textContent = msg;

            function nextMove(square)
                if (document.winner != null)
                    setMessage(document.winner + " Already Won the Game!");
                else if (square.textContent == "")
                    square.textContent = document.turn;
                    setMessage("That Square is Already Used.")

            function switchTurn()
                    setMessage("Congratulations " + document.turn + "! You Win!");
                    document.winner = document.turn;
                    else if (document.turn == "X")
                            document.turn ="O";
                            setMessage("It's " + document.turn + "'s turn!");
                        document.turn ="X";
                        setMessage("It's " + document.turn + "'s turn!");

            function checkForWinner(move)
                var result = false;
                if(checkRow(1,2,3, move) || 
                   checkRow(4,5,6, move) || 
                   checkRow(7,8,9, move) ||
                   checkRow(1,4,7, move) ||
                   checkRow(2,5,8, move) ||
                   checkRow(3,6,9, move) ||
                   checkRow(1,5,9, move) ||
                   checkRow(3,5,7, move))
                    result = true;
                    return result;


            function checkRow(a,b,c, move)
                var result = false;
                if (getBox(a)== move && getBox(b)== move && getBox(c)== move)
                result = true;
                return result;

            function getBox(number)
                return document.getElementById("s" + number).textContent;

            function clearBox(number)
                document.getElementById("s" + number).textContent = "";



<body onload= "startGame();" background="">
    <center><h1><font color ="black" size="30"> Tic-Tac-Toe!</font></h1></center>
    <center><div id=message> message will be here </div></center>
    <center><table border= "15" bgcolor= "#FFFFFF">
            <td id="s1" class= "Square" onclick="nextMove(this);"></td>
            <td id="s2" class= "Square" onclick="nextMove(this);"></td>
            <td id="s3" class= "Square" onclick="nextMove(this);"></td>
            <td id="s4" class= "Square" onclick="nextMove(this);"></td>
            <td id="s5" class= "Square" onclick="nextMove(this);"></td>
            <td id="s6" class= "Square" onclick="nextMove(this);"></td>
            <td id="s7" class= "Square" onclick="nextMove(this);"></td>
            <td id="s8" class= "Square" onclick="nextMove(this);"></td>
            <td id="s9" class= "Square" onclick="nextMove(this);"></td>
    <center><button type="button" onclick=startGame()> Start New Game</button></center>
    <center><p> Created By Claire Fuesting</p></center>


  • Add checkfortie function as;

           function CheckforTie()
                for(var i=1;i<10;i++)
                   return false;
                return true;

    and update you switchTurn function to;

     function switchTurn()
                    setMessage("Congratulations " + document.turn + "! You Win!");
                    document.winner = document.turn;
                    setMessage("Its a TIE..!! Play again...!!!");
                    else if (document.turn == "X")
                            document.turn ="O";
                            setMessage("It's " + document.turn + "'s turn!");
                        document.turn ="X";
                        setMessage("It's " + document.turn + "'s turn!");

    Hope it helps..!!!