I have in scene class property in private section like
CCArray* objects;
and in init
I initialize
objects = new CCArray();
but when I put breakpoint in line below objects is NULL and I don't know why. It crashes when I call objects->count();
Why I cannot initialize property ?
you have tagged this post with cocos2d-x 3.0. Array has changed in cocos2d-x-3.0.
Initialize :
cocos2d::Vector<cocos2d::Sprite *> _bullets;
// add a bullet
Sprite *bullet = Sprite::create("circle.png")
this->_bullets.pushBack(bullet); // retains bullet
// loop through bullets
for (auto bullet: this->_bullets)
// do something with bullet.
// no need to cast in this case
if (bullet->getPositionX() > 160)
// ...
Erasing :
You can read all about it here: http://dev.bunnyhero.org/2014/01/cocos2d-x-30-beta-the-new-vector-class/