I'm trying to create edges between existing vertices queried by their indexed IDs, similar to the first answer here, but using this index lookup query instead of the label query:
(SELECT FROM index:<className>.<indexName> WHERE key = "<keyString>")
(SELECT FROM index:<className>.<indexName> WHERE key = "<keyString>")
This gives me the following error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OCommandExecutionException: Source vertex '#-1:-1' not exists
Possibly relevant:
When I just query SELECT FROM index:<className>.<indexName> WHERE key = "<keyString>"
by itself it returns an array object structured like:
[ { '@type': 'd',
key: '<keyString>',
rid: { cluster: <actual cluster>, position: <actual position> }
@rid: { cluster: -1, position: -1 } } ]
I'm guessing that the error has something to do with the CREATE EDGE
query using the @rid
instead of the rid
but I'm not sure.
The query successfully creates the edges if I simply use the #<actual cluster>:<actual position>
instead of the SELECT
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
Edit: In the interest of replicability, I have the same problem in the GratefulDeadConcerts database when I (1) add a property name
to the V class schema, (2) create a unique nameIndex
index of V using the name
property under V, and then (3) use the following query:
create edge followed_by from (select from index:nameIndex where key = 'HEY BO DIDDLEY') to (select from index:nameIndex where key = 'IM A MAN')
Why don't you query the class directly?
(select from Class where field = '<keyString>')
(select from Class where field = '<keyString>')
Select from index return a temp document as result set with key,and rid
you can try but i don't know if it will work
SELECT expand(rid) FROM index:<className>.<indexName> WHERE key = "<keyString>"