I'm doing a platformer and I'm trying to do a loading system for levels, but I have a problem, there is the part of my code :
require "level1" ; require "level2"
function love.load()
world = love.physics.newWorld(0,9.81*64, true)
level = 1
function love.draw()
if level == 1 then draw_level1()
elseif level == 2 then draw_level2() end
function love.update(dt)
if gs == "loading2" then unload_level2() ; load_level2() end
function love.keypressed(key)
if key == "u" then level = 2 gs = "loading2" else gs = "normal" end
level1.lua :
function load_level1(world)
obj1 = {}
obj1.body = love.physics.newBody(world, 111,111, "dynamic")
obj1.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(28,28)
obj1.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(obj1.body,obj1.shape)
function unload_level1()
obj1 = nil
function draw_level1()
love.graphics.polygon("line", obj1.body:getWorldPoints(obj1.shape:getPoints()))
And level2.lua it's the same but with another rectangle, and functions like "draw_level2()"
The problem is that when I press U button, the objects disappear, but their body is still there (When the player touch them, the collision happens but they are invisible) How can I do ?
Firstly, obj1 = nil
will not work. You need to destroy them too. This is done by doing obj1:destroy()
, as outlined here.
Secondly, in love.update, the level is being destroyed and created every level. You may want to hack in a quick variable that is flipped off (loaded = true
) once you have loaded the new level.
Of course, a long term solution for this would be to write a proper level loading "class" - but assuming you are a beginner, this should be fine for now.