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Observer Pattern Via Boost Signal2

So, I've read the docs for Boost.Signal2 and I have done a bit of googling and I just haven't quite found what I needed. What I have is a controller and a view concept. The Controller will be sending data to the View for it to render. What I want is my controller to call Controller::Update and trigger the OnUpdate function in the view.

  • The controller and view should be disjoint
  • Signals on the Controller can be emitted to execute Slots in the View

Here is code I have tried so far:

class Listener {
    virtual void OnUpdate() {};

class View :Listener
    virtual void OnUpdate() override;

void View::OnUpdate()
    std::cout << "Updating in View";

class Controller
    void Update();

    // Signal with no arguments and a void return value
    boost::signals2::signal<void ()> sig;
    sig.connect(boost::bind(&Listener::OnUpdate, this, _1));
    // Call all of the slots

This does not compile. I get error C2825: 'F': must be a class or namespace when followed by '::', but this is just because I'm using bind incorrectly.

Does anybody know how I could achieve what I want using signals/slots from boost?


  • There are quite a number of misconceptions here. I recommend you start simpler.

    • the Listener base class probably needs a virtual destructor
    • you cannot bind Listener::OnUpdate to this inside the Controller class because Controller is not derived from Listener
    • You need to derive publicly from Listener
    • there is no argument, so you need to pass zero placeholders (_1 was out of place)

    Here's a simple fixed-up sample

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/signals2.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    class Listener {
        virtual ~Listener() = default;
        virtual void OnUpdate() = 0;
    class View : public Listener
        View() = default;
        ~View() = default;
        virtual void OnUpdate() override {
            std::cout << "Updating in View\n";
    class Controller
        boost::signals2::signal<void ()> sig;
        Controller() {
        void subscribe(Listener& listener) {
            // Signal with no arguments and a void return value
            sig.connect(boost::bind(&Listener::OnUpdate, &listener));
        void DoWork() const {
            // Call all of the slots
        void Update();
    int main() {
        View l1, l2;
        Controller c;
        std::cout << "One subscribed:\n";
        std::cout << "\nBoth subscribed:\n";

    Which prints:

    One subscribed:
    Updating in View
    Both subscribed:
    Updating in View
    Updating in View

    Computer, Simplify: Now C++ style

    Perhaps a more compelling example in C++ would be:

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/signals2.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    struct View {
        void OnUpdate() { std::cout << "Updating in View\n"; }
    class Controller {
        using UpdateHandler = boost::signals2::signal<void()>;
        UpdateHandler sig;
        Controller() {}
        void subscribe(UpdateHandler::slot_type handler) { sig.connect(handler); }
        void DoWork() const { sig(); }
        void Update();
    int main() {
        View l1;
        Controller c;
        c.subscribe(std::bind(&View::OnUpdate, &l1));
        c.subscribe([] { std::cout << "Or we can attach a random action\n"; });

    Which prints

    Updating in View
    Or we can attach a random action