I have a very nice function which encodes ASCII to russian charachters, however I need it also the other way around from russian to ASCII.
The function I have is:
public string DecodeEncodedNonAsciiCharacters(string value)
return Regex.Replace(
m =>
return ((char)int.Parse(m.Groups["Value"].Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber)).ToString();
I cant find a good way to get \u235 in my text or any other way to escape these type of characters
Something like this? (Fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/6BbXAt)
public static string EncodeNonAsciiCharacters(string value)
return Regex.Replace(
m => String.Format("\\u{0:X4}", (int)m.Value[0]));
The regex is from (grep) Regex to match non-ASCII characters?