Search code examples

tablesorter column with text and integer

demo The model column is not sorted properly. Just because there is an integer in the column. Someone said that I can use the complex text extraction, but I don't know how. Can anyone help me? Your great help can help

$(document).ready(function() { 

// call the tablesorter plugin 
    // define a custom text extraction function 
    textExtraction: function(node) { 
        // extract data from markup and return it  
        return node.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML; 


  • What's happening is that the 86 is the very first cell in the column. So the auto-detection of parsers thinks that is a numeric column. To fix it just set the column parser to text. The easiest way to do it is to add a "sorter-text" class to the header.

    Because the plugin only looks at the last cell of the column in the thead, you need to add the class to the "model" cell (demo).

            <td class='tablehover2 sorter-false' rowspan=2><a href='' target='_blank'> Toyota </a>
            <td class='tablehover2 sorter-false'><a >Full Model List & Specifications</a>
            <td class='tablehover2 sorter-false'><a> Price List</a>
            <!-- the parsers are set by the class names in this row -->
            <td class='tablehover sorter-text'>Model</td>
            <td class='tablehover'>Price</td>

    There is no need to set a textExtraction function:

        theme: 'blackice'