I am currently learning C++ from 'Problem solving with C++' (9th, W. Savitch). The book shows an example of a while loop. The while loop looks as follows.
while (ans = = 'Y' || ans = = 'y')
//compound statement
is of type char
The boolean expression appears to be trying to use the equality operator, and in the context of the //compound statement
this makes sense. However, I always thought whitespace was illegal within the equality operator. i.e ==
is legal, but = =
is illegal.
When I copy the code and compile it, my compiler throws the error 'expected expression' when it hits = =
as if I am trying to assign an expression to a variable. I am almost certain this is a typo within the book. However, just in case the book is trying to throw a curveball I thought I would ask...
Many thanks!
Is whitespace between the two ='s in an equality operator legal in C++?
No. = =
is two =
tokens. ==
is one ==
token. You can't use the former when you mean the latter.