One of the snippets in Emmet for Brackets is -transition-duration
When you press tab after it, it's supposed to come up with this:
-webkit-transition-duration: ;
-moz-transition-duration: ;
-ms-transition-duration: ;
-o-transition-duration: ;
transition-duration: ;
However, whenever I use it, all I get is this:
-webkit-transition-duration: ;
-o-transition-duration: ;
transition-duration: ;
The same thing happens with
I have tried removing and re-adding Emmet, but it didn't work for me.
Could someone please tell me what to do to fix this?
Emmet uses Can I Use database to generate vendor prefixes. If you consult this database, you’ll see that there’s no -ms-transition-duration
at all and -moz-transition-duration
is supported by <0.1% browsers in a wild.
If you still think you have to use all selectors, you should create your own snipptes as described here: