I am trying to talk to a REST service and I'm trying to call a POST
method where I need to provide some data in the post body.
I have my model class all nicely set up something like this:
public class MyRequestClass
public string ResellerId { get; set; }
public string TransactionId { get; set; }
... other properties of no interest here ...
and I'm using RestSharp in C# to call my REST service something like this:
RestClient _client = new RestClient(someUrl);
var restRequest = new RestRequest("/post-endpoint", Method.POST);
restRequest.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
restRequest.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
restRequest.AddJsonBody(request); // of type "MyRequestClass"
IRestResponse<MyResponse> response = _client.Execute<MyResponse>(restRequest);
Everything seemed to work fine - no exceptions are thrown. But the service responds with:
We are experiencing problem in processing your request
When I looked at the request JSON that's being sent, I see that all the properties are in Capitalized spelling:
{ "ResellerId":"123","TransactionId":"456" }
and this is causing the issue - the service excepts them in all lowercase:
{ "resellerId":"123","transactionId":"456" }
So I tried to decorate my C# model class with attributes:
public class MyRequestClass
[RestSharp.Serializers.SerializeAs(Name = "resellerId")]
public string ResellerId { get; set; }
[RestSharp.Serializers.SerializeAs(Name = "transactionId")]
public string TransactionId { get; set; }
... other properties of no interest here ...
but that didn't seem to change anything - the JSON request sill has the property names in a Capitalized spelling and thus the call fails.
How can I tell RestSharp to always use lowercase property names in the JSON generated from a C# model class?
Edit: this answer is outdated. Read the thread shared by @marc_s. I wont remove this answer because it used to be helpful.
You can or you should add Json.NET to RestSharp.
There is a issue about this on the github repo of RestSharp.