I need to calculate the following in matlab.
EDIT EDIT: I alway have a 16 x 3 matrix. 16 rows and 3 columns. The 3 columns represent R,G,B and the 16 rows represent points. From 1-16. An example matrix looks like this:
1 1 1
-1 0 0
0 0 1
1 0 0
-1 0 0
1 0 -1
1 1 1
1 1 1
0 0 0
-1 0 1
1 0 0
0 0 1
1 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 0 1
Now I need to know are there 11 coherently rows which have min. 1 value ~= 0 in each column? In the above example the first 8 rows and the last row have in each column min 1 value and are coherently. So this 9 rows are the max coherently rows without a complete zero row between.
Sry that my first post wasn't correct.
I've do that with a really poor for-solution. Is there a faster way (vectorized) to do that?
for i=1:16
for j=0:16
if i+j > 16
value = (i+j)-16;
value = i+j;
if table(value,1) ~= 0 || table(value,2) ~= 0 || table(value,3) ~= 0
equal = equal + 1;
if equal >= 11
copy(y,x) = 1;
equal = 0;
equal = 0;
And the 16 points are circular. This min the first point and the last point connect.
Thanks for help and sry for the confusing.
This counts the number of coherent rows with at least one none-zero entry without circularity:
B = ~(A==0);
idx = find(sum(B,2) == 0);
result = max([idx;size(A,1)+1] - [0;idx]) - 1;
Now you can check whether result
is bigger than 11.
Another way would be:
B = ~(A==0);
C = bwconncomp(sum(B,2)>0);
num = cellfun(@numel,C.PixelIdxList);
result = max(num);
EDIT 2: To account for circularity, i.e. rows at the beginning and the end should be counted as coherent, you could do
B = ~(A==0);
idx = find(sum(B,2) == 0);
result = max([idx;size(A,1)+idx;size(A,1)+1] - [0;idx;size(A,1)+idx]) - 1;
EDIT: I edited the result
-line in the first solution according to Knedlsepp's comments.