I am doing a coding project for a basic non recursive, non GUI form of Minesweeper. One of the requirements is that input commands must be strictly formatted like so:
For marking commands (reveal, guess, mark): ["reveal"/"r"] [int] [int]
For help and quit: just ["help"/"h"] or ["quit"/"q"]
Any inputs outside of these restrictions must be considered ill-formatted. My code for reveal looks something like this:
case "reveal":
case "r":
roundsCompleted ++;
par1 = input.nextInt();
commandIn = null;
par2 = input.nextInt();
correctInput = true;
commandIn = null;
if(correctInput && isInBounds(par1, par2)){
reveal(par1, par2);
where this is all inside a switch statement of course. The commandIn = null statements are designed to throw the default case which prints "command not recognized". I realize part of my issue here is that these are in two separate if-else statements. Another problem is that input.hasNextInt() doesn't seem to evaluating to false when there is not an int after the first one.
The essence of this problem is in completely restricting these commands to the formats I listed above. Can anyone give me some insight into this issue? Thanks.
I'd use regex to first see if something is either a good input or not just cause it'd be easier
String input = "r 3 4";
if (input.matches("^(help|h|quit|q|((r|reveal) \\d \\d))$"))
//switch case
//null string
System.out.println("no match");
then after you've got a match you can use your switch case like what you're doing, if it's a "reveal" or "r", I would just use split() and turn it into an array to get the different x and y coordinates