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boost::optional and type conversion

I was wondering if there is an elegant way to cast a boost::optional<A> to a boost::optional<B> when B can be constructed from A, albeit explicitely. This works:

# include <boost/optional.hpp>

class Foo
  int i_;
  explicit Foo(int i) : i_(i) {}

int main()
  boost::optional<int> i;
  ... // i gets initialized or not
  boost::optional<Foo> foo;
  foo = boost::optional<Foo>(bool(i), Foo(i.value_or(0 /*unused value*/)));
  return 0;

but the need to put in there some value that will never be used seems awkward. Any better suggestion?


  • template<class T, class U>
    boost::optional<T> optional_cast( U&& u ) {
      if (u) return T(*std::forward<U>(u));
      else return {};

    will amusingly also work with pointers.

    int main() {
      boost::optional<int> i;
      ... // i gets initialized or not
      boost::optional<Foo> foo = optional_cast<Foo>(i);
      return 0;

    In C++03

    template<class T, class U>
    boost::optional<T> optional_cast( U const& u ) {
      if (u) return T(*u);
      else return boost::none;

    will work instead, but be less efficient in a number of cases.