I am using JVectorMap to create a map Page on my Website. However I found that the scrolling zoom speed is much to slow. How do I adjust the scroll speed? There is no documentation for this issue. I found this:
zoomStep: 1.6,
This is however to specify the zoom step for the buttons, not the scrolling.
Another issue that I have found is that I cannot set the height of the Map Container to:
But i can however set the width to:
How can I specify to Height of the Map container to be in relation to the Window size? I've also tried using a % value.
Thank you
this might be quite late answer, even might have been already answered somewhere. But i got the same problem with mouse scroll speed and found the solution. It can be fixed in js file in line 2382
zoomStep = Math.pow(1.003, event.deltaY);
You can easily change speed by changing that "1.003" value. More you make it - faster the scroll is.
I didnt fully understand the second problem of yours. But if it is about container height, I just use % values for the height. Make sure your parent has some height value as well.