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Can dojo navigate through pages in a dijit.Dialog without iFrames?

I am developing an application using the java Stripes framework along with dojo. The customer wants the edit details form to display in a pop-up type window (a lightbox). The form has two pages. The first page is the form where the user can edit the details. The second page is a confirmation page that shows the old value vs. the new value, so they have a chance to confirm their changes.

I have the dialog showing up, and it looks great.
The issue I have is that when I click "continue" the dialog closes, and the results are displayed in the main window instead of within the dialog.

I need for the results to be rendered within the dialog.

Here is the code I have so far:

<div data-dojo-id="editDetails" data-dojo-type="dijit/Dialog" title="Edit Position Details" data-dojo-props="draggable:false, closable:false" href="urlToForm"></div>
<button class="buttons" title="Edit Details" tabindex="53" onclick=";" >Edit Details</button>

Then, here is the form page that is displayed in the dialog:

<stripes:form action="/action/editConfirmation">
<!--form fields here -->
<stripes:submit name="" class="buttons" title="Continue" tabindex="13">Continue</stripes:submit>

When the user clicks the submit button on the form, the action resolution needs to be displayed within the editDetails dijit.Dialog div.

I have been able to get this to work with iframes. I want to avoid iframes because they would not resize the dialog with the contents properly.

If there is a way to resize the dialog when content in the iframe changes, then I would allow the use of iframes.


  • It's possible to load multiple pages in a dijit/Dialog yes, by using the href property.

    An example, let's say you have a page which contains a form, for example:

    This is the first page with content
    <button data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" id="myBtn2">Click me</button>

    Then you can do something like this in your code:

    var dialog = new Dialog({
      href: 'page1.html'

    This will open a dialog with your first page. To switch pages by clicking the button on page 1, you can create your event handlers after the load event finishes:

    dialog.on("load", function() {
      registry.byId("myBtn2").on("click", function() {
        dialog.set('href', 'page2.html');

    This will set the href property of the dialog to the second page once the button is clicked.

    An example of this can be found here: