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Updating live tile in Windows Phone 8.1 Offline

I have managed to create a live tile for my app using the following code:

        var tileXml = TileUpdateManager.GetTemplateContent(TileTemplateType.TileSquare150x150PeekImageAndText01);

        var tileImage = tileXml.GetElementsByTagName("image")[0] as XmlElement;
        tileImage.SetAttribute("src", "ms-appx:///Assets/Icon.png");

        var tileText = tileXml.GetElementsByTagName("text");
        (tileText[0] as XmlElement).InnerText = ""+DateTime.Now.ToString();
        (tileText[1] as XmlElement).InnerText = "1";
        (tileText[2] as XmlElement).InnerText = "2";
        (tileText[3] as XmlElement).InnerText = "3";

        var tileNotification = new TileNotification(tileXml);

However I am not sure how to make the live tile update automatically using a scheduler agent. I have looked at using TileUpdateManager.StartPeriodicAgent however it requires a URI parameter and I would like to avoid creating a Server just to update my live tile.

Is there a way I can do this? Thanks a lot :D


  • You need to run a background agent from your app and put your live tile update code there.

    MSDN on the topic:

    Quickstart: Update a live tile from a background task

    Background agents/multitasking on Windows Phone 8.1: