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Creating nested tablix in rdlc report

I believe there will be a relatively simple solution for this, however I am yet to find it.

I am creating a simple rdlc report in a visual studio 2012 windows forms application, adding a dataset and dragging and dropping these fields into my tablix. All this worked fine, however I now want to add a tablix inside one of my row fields. I want it to look like the image below, and I want to do it fairly painlessly through the designer.enter image description here

Above is an exmaple of the table I am trying to create, with all contained fields in the same row of the same dataset with the Date, Start, and End fields being the problem area's I cannot create.

I have tried to create these, however I get the error

The tablix ‘Tablix1’ has a detail member with inner members. Detail members can only contain static inner members.

After this I deleted some groups, and it compiled, however it then only showed the first line of data from the datatset.

I also wondered whether there may be a way to move the tablix headers from rows to columns, so the headers go down the left instead of across the top, but I cannot seem to find a way to do this either.

I am fairly new to this so any help is much appreciated.



  • Nested Tablix opérate strictly on same dataset, join tables.

    Refer to a good explanation