The problem is that after I delete the only remaining row in the repeat the Add button no longers works.
Padding my post with extra stuff so that the question gets accepted
<html xmlns:ev="" xmlns:xf="" xmlns="">
<title>Movie Review Selector</title>
<model xmlns="">
<instance id="movies">
<movies xmlns="">
<movie id=""></movie>
<submission id="save" action="echo.xq" method="post" includenamespaceprefixes="" serialization="application/xml" ref="instance('movies')"/>
<group xmlns="" ref="instance('movies')">
<repeat nodeset="movie" id="idx">
<input ref="@id">
<label>Movie Id</label>
<delete nodeset="." ev:event="DOMActivate"></delete>
<action ev:event="DOMActivate">
<insert nodeset="movie"></insert>
<setvalue ref="movie[last()]/@id" value=""></setvalue>
<submit submission="save">
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