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How to get a C# Arcanist linter working?

Here is what it says when I run arc linters --verbose:

AVAILABLE   csharp (C#)

Configuration Options

severity (optional map<string|int, string>)
  Provide a map from lint codes to adjusted severity levels: error,
  warning, advice, autofix or disabled.

severity.rules (optional map<string, string>)
  Provide a map of regular expressions to severity levels. All matching
  codes have their severity adjusted.

discovery (map<string, list<string>>)
  Provide a discovery map.

binary (string)
  Override default binary.

What is a discovery map? It doesn't tell you what it is, but you MUST have it. Unfortunately, the source code did not enlighten me.

binary... I don't want to override the default binary... What is the default binary? I HAVE to override it, so I need to get one? Where do I get a C# linter binary compatible with Arcanist? The only one I could find is, but it throws an exception.

Let me know if I can add more info.


  • cstools is the one you need;you can see this if you look into the ArcanistCSharpLinter.php, where it looks for cslint.exe as the default binary.

    --- Edit ---

    Not sure if you're looking at the right tool; the one being referred to is this one developed by hach-que, here:

    I'm not super-familiar with this linter (don't do any serious C# development myself), but a quick peek in the source code suggests that the discovery map is simply a string map called "discovery", that has settings for the linter.

    See also:

    Copy Pasting examples here since that seems to be SO policy:

    Sample .arcconfig:

        "project_id": "Tychaia",
        "conduit_uri": "",
        "arc.autostash": true,
        "load": [
        "unit.engine": "XUnitTestEngine",
        "unit.csharp.xunit.binary": "packages/xunit.runners.1.9.1/tools/xunit.console.clr4.exe",
        "unit.csharp.cscover.binary": "cstools/cscover/bin/Debug/cscover.exe",
        "unit.csharp.coverage.match": "/^Tychaia.*\\.(dll|exe)$/",
        "unit.csharp.discovery": {
          "([^/]+)/(.*?)\\.cs": [
            [ "$1.Tests/$1.Tests.Linux.csproj", "$1.Tests/bin/Debug/$1.Tests.dll" ],
            [ "$1.Tests/$1.Tests.Windows.csproj", "$1.Tests/bin/Debug/$1.Tests.dll" ]
          "([^\\\\]+)\\\\(.*?)\\.cs": [
            [ "$1.Tests\\$1.Tests.Windows.csproj", "$1.Tests\\bin\\Debug\\$1.Tests.dll" ]
          "([^/]+)\\.Tests/(.*?)\\.cs": [
            [ "$1.Tests/$1.Tests.Linux.csproj", "$1.Tests/bin/Debug/$1.Tests.dll" ],
            [ "$1.Tests/$1.Tests.Windows.csproj", "$1.Tests/bin/Debug/$1.Tests.dll" ]
          "([^\\\\]+)\\.Tests\\\\(.*?)\\.cs": [
            [ "$1.Tests\\$1.Tests.Windows.csproj", "$1.Tests\\bin\\Debug\\$1.Tests.dll" ]

    Sample .arclint:

      "linters": {
        "csharp": {
          "type": "csharp",
          "include": "(\\.cs$)",
          "exclude": [ "(\\.Designer\\.cs$)", "(Phabricator\\.Conduit(.*+))", "(TychaiaProfilerEntityUtil\\.cs)" ],
          "binary": "cstools/cslint/bin/Debug/cslint.exe",
          "discovery": {
            "([^/]+)/(.*?)\\.cs": [
            "([^\\\\]+)\\\\(.*?)\\.cs": [
        "license": {
          "type": "tychaialicense",
          "include": "(\\.cs$)",
          "exclude": [ "(\\.Designer\\.cs$)", "(Phabricator\\.Conduit(.*+))", "(TychaiaProfilerEntityUtil\\.cs)" ]

    Anyway, if you're having trouble getting cstools to work, I'd recommend opening an issue on the Github repo; he seems to be pretty responsive. Plus, as an open-source developer, it's always great to hear that others are using your work.