Let us say I am receiving a packet with variable length data payload.
**byte_num** **size** **type**
0 1 Length
1 1 SrcArsDev
2 4 Src_ID
6 1 DstArsDev
7 4 Dst_ID
11 4 Session
15 1 CMD
16 N N bytes payload N<=96
16+N 2 CRC
The data will be received over SPI communication. What is the general method for parsing the packets so I can later manipulate the distinct elements?
Can you please show me a simple function/routine that fills the structure elements?
One approach is to define a packed struct which represents the largest possible packet size:
#pragma pack(push,1) // make sure everything is packed to byte level
typedef struct {
uint8_t Length;
uint8_t SrcArsDev;
uint32_t Src_ID;
uint8_t DstArsDev;
uint32_t Dst_ID;
uint32_t Session;
uint8_t CMD;
uint8_t payload[96 + 2]; // payload + CRC
} Message;
#pragma pack(pop) // restore struct packing
Your read routine then reads directly to such a struct, and then all the elements of the message can subsequently be accessed as fields within the struct.
The only tricky part is that you'll need to work out where the actual CRC bytes are based on Length
and then extract these from the payload[]
buffer, but this is not too difficult:
Message msg;
ssize_t n = read(fd, &msg, sizeof(msg)); // read data into `msg`
uint16_t crc = *(int16_t*)&msg.payload[msg.Length]; // extract CRC
// validate CRC + perhaps also verify that n is consistent with msg.Length
// then access elements as needed:
src_id = msg.Src_ID;
dst_id = msg.Dst_ID;