I've accidently discover that IntellijIdea 14
does not show the Value set/write
type of usage for public static
public class Test {
public static boolean B_VALUE;
public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException {
public void test1() {
B_VALUE = true;
public boolean test2() {
boolean v = B_VALUE;
B_VALUE = !v;
return v && ("test2".equals("TEST2".toLowerCase()));
Press Alt+F7 on B_VALUE
, and get result:
You can see that we have at least 4 usages in test code (2 read and 2 set), but only read usages are lighted.
Is it a bug?
It's not a bug, I just tried this and saw 4 usages, 2 for read and 2 for write.
Please make sure the RED icon on the left side, near the bottom, is ticked ("Show write access")