I've read the docs and it appears that there's no discernible way to perform an ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN ... USING
statement to directly convert a json
type column to an hstore
type. There's no function available (that I'm aware of) to perform the cast.
The next best alternative I have is to create a new column of type hstore
, copy my JSON data to that new column using some external tool, drop the old json
column and rename the new hstore
column to the old column's name.
Is there a better way?
What I have so far is:
$ CREATE TABLE blah (unstructured_data JSON);
$ ALTER TABLE blah ALTER COLUMN unstructured_data
TYPE hstore USING CAST(unstructured_data AS hstore);
ERROR: cannot cast type json to hstore
Unfortunately, PostgreSQL doesn't allow all kind of expressions within the USING
clause of ALTER TABLE ... SET DATA TYPE ...
(f.ex. sub-queries are disallowed).
But, you can write a function to overcome this, you just need to decide what to do with advanced types (in object's values), like arrays & objects. Here is an example, which simply converts them to string:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_json_to_hstore(json)
RETURNS hstore
AS $func$
SELECT hstore(array_agg(key), array_agg(value))
FROM json_each_text($1)
After that, you can use this in your ALTER TABLE
, like:
ALTER COLUMN unstructured_data
SET DATA TYPE hstore USING my_json_to_hstore(unstructured_data);