In JQuery-JTable we have fields for list action , and it fetched records , I want to display Row Number beside each rows, I mean my first column should be row number .
Notice : Row number should be correct as JQuery-JTable changed view "Paging, Sorting ,and ....) This is my code :
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
title: 'Users',
paging: true,
pageSize: 15,
sorting: true,
create: false,
edit: false,
actions: {
listAction: 'user/getUsers.asmx',
fields: {
RowNumber : { title:'No' , display:function(){} } ,//---------it's hear.???? How to display row number for all record and pagging
username: {
title: 'username'
firstname: {
title: 'firstname'
lastname: {
title: 'lastname'
company: {
title: 'company'
To make this work with indexing you have to get the current page number and page size.Once you have them you can always form the next RowNo.
var pageNum = $('.jtable-goto-page select option:selected').val();
var pageSize = $('.jtable-page-size-change select option:selected').val();
var RowNo= pagesize*pagenumber - pagesize;
Now replace the var RowNo= 0; with aforementioned.
But honestly no point calculating this from client side, rather get it directly from server side.